Whiffpedia Wiki
Whiffpedia Wiki

Whiffpedia is devoted to fictional subjects within aviation, military etc.
WARNING: This whole page is fictional. Apart from the entry on the CA-21, which is absolute and solid fact.
The wiki about what-if modeling that anyone can edit

108 articles since April 2009

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23 April 2009/Whiffpedia created!
Whiffpedia has been created! Whiffpedia is the wiki of all twiglet munchers and PSRs that enjoy silly things such as Monty Python!
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What If?

What If: 1: The question which starts any speculative model project; ie: "What If Canada had an army of Daleks."

2: Any project based upon such a question.

Featured media

Whatifslides A selection of winners from the 2008 Whiffies